Thanks for looking! I’m David Leiter, and this is my travel blog.

I’m an American who’s been traveling the world full time for 8 years. Nowadays, I’m usually in Bali, Indonesia, with my wife Intan.

I first fell in love with travel on a solo road trip across Iceland in 2016. My budget was small, so I slept in the back of a rental car for 1 month while I drove 7,000 kilometers around the country, filming all the scenic places in Iceland.

One of my first videos racked up a few million views and was featured on international TV by BBC Travel

Since then I’ve solo traveled to many developing countries, including almost every country in Asia, Central America, and the Middle East.

I experienced the 7.0 Lombok earthquake in Indonesia in 2018, the bombings in Bangkok in 2019, and a fair share of scams, fights, sicknesses, car accidents, and other crazy things along the way.

It hasn’t always been easy, but over the years I’ve been blessed with some amazing experiences, including:

In 2018, I traveled to 24 countries in one year, which is a personal record so far! I did this on a pretty modest budget and rarely spent more than $30/day on my travels, including lodging and food.

I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list! I’m always looking for new adventures.

I hope my travel blog can help and inspire you in your own journeys as well!